All booking FAQs
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Is there a fee for cancelling a booking?
How do I make a booking for dry/reefer cargo?
Maersk Spot has a loading guarantee, why would I select Rollable?
Can I change a contract booking to a Maersk Spot booking or vice versa?
How long does it take for a booking to be confirmed?
Can I amend the vessel or container type after a booking issubmitted?
Can I see price details before modifying a Maersk Spot booking?
I have been notified that a buyer has placed a booking with me as a supplier. What should I do?
How can I amend a Delivery Order?
Can I amend a booking after it has been confirmed?
What mandatory information is required to place a booking?
What is the process of a penalty fee and what does a penalty fee cover?
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