All booking FAQs
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If a booking made with a locked rate is cancelled, how does it affect the 20 FFE limit?
What happens once I have used my lock rate to book 20 FFE ?
What happens if I don't use my lock rate within 30 days on Maersk Go?
How do I lock a rate on Maersk Go?
Can I create a new booking using details of a previous booking?
What does a loading guarantee mean for Maersk Spot?
If I locked a rate for a port location, can I use the same rate on a door location too?
Why is a change of equipment size/type considered a cancellation?
Can I get a LCL price?
Can I choose a daily rate on a trade route after I have locked the rate on Maersk Go?
How much is Maersk going to compensate me in case of rolling a Rollable shipment?
Will I get a “rolling guarantee” with Rollable?
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