Protein and dairy 

The right way to move temperature-sensitive 
protein cargo, from end to end.

Sequencing the protein chain 

Globally, there is a significant rise in the consumption of protein and dairy, driven by factors such as increasing incomes, growing populations, and urbanization. For businesses like yours, capitalizing on this surge in demand offers a clear path to growth.

But transporting highly temperature-sensitive cargo like meat in prime condition is a complex affair, with demand, delivery times, and destinations changing frequently.  

That’s why our refrigerated cargo experts have spent years optimising cold chains and improving sanitary standards. Their deep expertise is backed by specialised cold care containers and an array of tracking and monitoring tools, keeping your cargo safe all the way. 


What protein and dairy businesses need

  • Support for push production: Processed protein must be swiftly transported from production facilities.

  • Connectivity to markets and farms: Logistics must enable smooth movement from farms to markets.  

  • Specialised handling: To preserve quality, protein must be transported and stored under optimal conditions. 

  • Inventory management: With push production,  managing large volumes efficiently becomes crucial. 

  • Visibility: Keeping track of cargo movement and container temperature is essential for product safety. 

How we can help 

To grow and diversify your protein and dairy business, you must have a cold chain logistics partner who understands the sensitive nature of your business.  At Maersk, we understand the specific needs of the segment:  
Connected Cold Chain

Our owned assets and technology platforms assure you of support from end to end, giving you better control over operations, costs and business outcomes. 


Our teams of dedicated cold chain experts provide specialised handling of protein cargo to ensure that quality is maintained and that the cargo complies with all regulations.

With equipment readily and reliably available, you can be sure of a stable flow of your protein cargo at every stage of its journey, regardless of any change in logistics plans.

Our solutions allow for end-to-end GPS tracking of your protein cargo and let you remotely monitor internal container environment with digital tools such as Captain PeterTM

We support your logistics needs across the cold chain

How we helped a Brazilian meat company stay competitive

A creative solution helped Brazil-based Cotriguaçu simplify its logistics and cut costs for its poultry and pork customers. Learn more.

Meet our protein and dairy expert

Jean Stoll, Global Vertical Head, Protein & Dairy
Jean Stoll
Global Vertical Head, Protein & Dairy, Cold Chain Vertical

Want to know how we can help your business? 

Reach out to us and let’s explore what services and solutions work best for your specific cold chain needs. 

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