
Zeitkritische Fracht pünktlich geliefert.

Temperaturgeführte Fracht verdient nur das Beste

Wir setzen alles daran, damit Ihre Kühlsendung pünktlich und effizient geliefert wird und die Produktqualität erhalten bleibt. Ganz gleich, ob Sie in einen neuen Markt eintreten, eine schlankere Supply Chain, vorhersehbare Kosten, betriebliche Transparenz oder eine Lagerlösung benötigen – wir bieten Ihnen alles.

Unser Ziel ist es, Effizienzsteigerungen durch Kühlkettenlösungen zu erzielen, die Komplexität, Übergabepunkte und Verschwendung reduzieren. Das bedeutet: Sie können sich auf die Entwicklung Ihres Unternehmens konzentrieren, während wir uns um Ihre Kühlkettenlogistik kümmern.

Supporting you across the cold chain

pharma illustration

Ihre wichtigsten Vorteile

Connected Cold Chain
Our owned assets and technology platforms assure you of support 
from end to end, giving your 
cold chain control over operations, costs and results.
Our cold chain experts leverage a century of experience with perishable cargo and the latest technologies to deliver optimal shelf life and minimise delays and wastage.
With our owned assets serving your journey, a single point of contact for coordination and fewer handovers, you have the flexibility to pivot, even with any change in variables.
With Captain PeterTM, you can remotely monitor container temperature and relative humidity in real time, empowering you with the control to take proactive action for your perishable cargo.

Interested in our Cold Chain Logistics?

Maersk’s cold chain experts would be happy to answer your questions and suggest appropriate solutions for your business. 

Contact us

Cold chain expertise for your time-sensitive goods

Every commodity has very specific requirements to ensure quality during transport. Find out how Maersk Cold Chain Logistics ensures your fruits, vegetables, meat and pharmaceuticals can preserve their freshness in transit and while in storage.
A smiling man looking at bananas in a fruit market.

Bananas and Pineapples

Take your produce from the plantation to anywhere in the world, with the help of an uber-efficient cold chain.
Refrigerated cargo – A smiling man holding a fish and showing it to a woman in a supermarket.

Fish and seafood

Our refrigerated cargo experts will coordinate the exports, imports, quality inspections, and logistics of your seafood.
Perishable cargo – A smiling woman holding a basket of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables

Defy seasons and distances with an unbroken cold chain that can take your farm-fresh delicacies farther.
Protein and dairy products – A happy woman picking an egg from a carton with chickens in the background.

Protein and dairy

Frozen, chilled or fresh, keep your protein and dairy shipments safe and on-schedule at all times.
Healthcare supply chain – A man wearing lab coat looking at a product in a pharmaceutical store.

Pharma & Healthcare

Improve access, performance, and accountability with specialised logistics for the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industry.
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Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Interesse und unterstützen Sie gerne bei Ihren Logistikanforderungen.

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Eine Illustration eines Lastwagens, der Kühlfracht transportiert, mit einer Frau im Vordergrund, die einen Fisch hält.
8-10 October | Madrid, Spain
Stay Unperishable
Join us at Fruit Attraction 2024 to learn how you can keep your produce fresh, from origin to destination.