Maersk Spot的免費貨櫃使用期限和滯期費及滯留費(D&D)是多少?
透過Maersk Spot,我們依照不同市場的需求制定各地免費貨櫃使用期限的標準。 所有Maersk Spot報價均採行各地免費貨櫃使用期限和逾期費率的標準。 可以線上查詢所有滯期費和滯留費。
I have Maersk Spot bookings to/from the United States of America. Do I still need to cancel and re-book every time I make a change to these bookings? Can a Maersk Spot booking be amended? Can I change a contract booking to a Maersk Spot booking or vice versa? Can I see price details before modifying a Maersk Spot booking? If I do not use all of the Freetime Extension bought, will I get a refund? Will I be able negotiate or buy more free time days? Can I add Freetime Extension to an existing booking? Can I add/delete/change inland/store door in my Maersk Spot booking? Can I change the haulage pick up depot/pick up date/cargo load address & cargo load date? What governing regulations affect bookings on US trades? I am getting an error message when I try to proceed with an amendment. Why? I amended my departure date. Where can I see the new deadlines? 新使用者?