Prior to booking
All prior to booking FAQs
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What is the plan for cargo, which was booked prior to 1st of March from neighbouring countries of Russia, not from Russia (non-Russian origin) or are not going to Russia, but the booking party/shipper/consignee to the shipment is Russian?
What will happen to my cargo if it is already loaded on vessels or discharged at a port in Ukraine or Russia?
Can I book inland transportation as a standalone service?
Can I increase my allocation on a Flat Allocation contract?
Can I add a new user to my company?
How can I identify a fake website?
How long is a quote valid for?
Is Flex Hub Lite compulsory for existing bookings currently in first load port or discharged in a transshipment hub?
What will happen when I add a new buyer or supplier to my partners section?
What flexibility do I get with a Seasonal Allocation contract?
What do I do if I already have a booking to the Port of Iskenderun?
What is a daily rate?
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