在當今全世界範圍內,96%的製成品都以這樣或那樣的方式依賴於化學品,因此化工企業擁有足夠的發展機會。 化學品製造商努力在市場上獲取更大的份額,創造了一個競爭極其激烈的戰場。 貿易保護主義貿易政策、關稅戰以及產業整合等多種行業趨勢,也促使企業需要採取新的方式才能脫穎而出。
隨著這些趨勢不斷滲透到化學行業中,許多企業正在重塑自身,以推動增長和獲利能力。 這種轉變的核心是需要構建活力 - 具有適應、數位化和現代化的能力。 在永續性日益成為關注焦點的同時,安全依然是重中之重。
化工企業意識到,自身的供應鏈在其業務轉型中起著至關重要的作用。 他們需要透過有效的存儲解決方案來支援連續生產線;透過供應鏈成本效率來增加利潤;提高安全性和合規性;或以更大的直觀能力和按時交貨來獲得客戶忠誠度;他們對供應鏈合作夥伴提出了很高的要求,要求在供應鏈的每個階段都增加價值。
端到端訂製您的供應鏈,使用我們的Flex Hub降低倉儲成本,並受益於我們團隊深厚的物流專業知識和安全意識。
Industry Spotlight – Explore logistics trends in the Chemical sector
How can the Chemical industry build more efficient, resilient and cost-effective supply chains?
Watch Patrick Hore, Global Head of Chemicals, A. P. Moller – Maersk, explain how the Chemical industry can tackle major operational challenges; how planning an efficient supply chain can lead to lower landed cost; the key role of logistic service providers, and why commoditising the supply chain is the wrong strategy for companies to adopt to enhance their efficiencies.
CBAM: Time to put a price on Carbon
Do you know about the new levy that is being introduced in the EU to cut down on carbon emissions?
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), a part of the Fit for 55 package, will have a financial impact on several products in some of the most carbon-intensive sectors. And require companies to be on top with their data and carbon emission reporting. William Petty, Product Development Manager, Global Trade & Customs Consulting at Maersk, explains CBAM and its impact on several industries. Watch the video to know if your business falls within the scope of CBAM and the steps you need to take to be compliant.
Our team is here to guide you and help you stay on top of further developments.
Collaboration: for a well-oiled chemicals supply chain
Digitalising chemical supply chains for resilience
How can the chemical industry be better prepared to face disruptions? Can the highly complex process of transporting hazardous goods be simplified? What are the insights and key trends beginning to make a difference in streamlining chemical supply chain logistics?
To find out, Kristoffer Meinert, Communications Manager at Maersk attempts to throw some light on these questions in an exclusive chat with Patrick Hore, Head of Chemicals at Maersk. An insightful discussion that explores how digitisation, collaboration and flexibility are key to building reliable chemical transport solutions. Watch our video.
Commit to sustainability through collaboration
Latest trends and insights from the world of logistics
What's the best way to deal with the supply chain disruptions brought on by the pandemic and other unmitigated situations around the world? Current solutions that exist aren’t seamless in keeping up with demand, predicting fluctuations, and keeping goods moving safely, in their prime condition.
Is the answer as simple as adding more capacity and flexibility to every part of the supply chain?
In this exclusive chat with Kristoffer Meinert, Customer Communications Manager, Maersk, Charles Patrick Hore, Head of Chemicals, Maersk, sheds some light on these conundrums and discusses how to look for solutions in the most unexpected places, like relationships in the industry, and information exchange.
Flex Hub - 更密切貼近您的客戶
像您這樣的化工企業需要在正確的時間、將正確的貨物運送到正確的地方。 這成為一種挑戰,特別是您存儲商品的成本超過產品本身的價格時。 憑藉馬士基Flex Hub,您可以靈活的放慢或加快您的供應鏈。 您因此能夠以傳統倉儲成本的一小部分,將貨櫃存儲在我們的一個轉運港口,並在您認為合適的時候進行交貨。
先正達很高興的宣布與馬士基擴展合作夥伴關係,以提供一流的4PL服務。 這種合作夥伴關係支援先正達最新的承諾,也就是,到2030年將我們供應鏈的碳排放減少50%,並幫助優化供應運營。 這將確保為先正達的全球客戶和種植者提供最佳的交付服務
馬士基是我們重要的合作夥伴,多年來,我們在航運方面的參與度也與馬士基一同增長。 馬士基的鐵路聯合解決方案支援我們Jamnagar工廠實現及時的設備可用性,同時也幫助我們透過碳減排為環境做出貢獻。 我們希望馬士基在今後繼續提供這種具有永續性的端到端解決方案,並為我們帶來成本優勢
與客戶建立信任與協作的文化,需要您付出更多的努力並探索新的可能性。 為支持先正達公司減少碳足蹟的承諾,同時幫助他們的客戶以最為永續的方式生產食品的承諾,我們認識到有必要成為先正達使命不可或缺的一部分。 如今,我們已成為其生態系統的一部分,努力實現他們對未來的願景。
The Importance of Flexibility
Faster lead times in a competitive environment. Lower inventory costs in a low margin category. Continuous production. Uncertainty in demand. Cargo flows of varying speeds. The demands of a Chemicals customer can be difficult to meet in an optimal way. Unless you think out of the box. Or in this case, out of the four-walls-and-a-roof.
In this video, Henrik Wretensjoe, Global Vertical Head, Chemicals, Maersk and Hamza Hioul, Global Business Product Owner, Flex Hub, Maersk discuss the importance of flexibility in Chemicals logistics; and how customers are enjoying the benefits of connecting their supply chains in unconventional ways with the Flex Hub solution.