Shipping to and from Algeria

Your complete guide to shipping to and from Algeria. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.

Local information

14ème étage Pins Maritimes
El-Mohammadia Alger, Algérie
Phone : +213 9 82 40 56 26, +213 21993050 / +213 21 99 30 00
Fax : +213 23 67 10 29

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Horaires d’ouverture
8:30 am to 4:00 pm

With offices near Algeria’s five main ports and a head office in Algiers, we are well placed to help propel your business towards greater growth. Shipping to and from Algeria has never been more seamless.

We provide regular weekly sailings from Algeria’s five main ports – Algiers, Annaba, Bejaia, Oran and Skikda – to connect you to your key markets everywhere in the world. Our expertise covers everything from dry cargo to reefer transports, and our team of experts is available 24/7 to ensure that your shipping and logistics are efficient and simple.Put simply, whatever you need to transport to and from Algeria, we are here to help.

Informations utiles

Obtenez les dernières informations locales à propos des périodes de vacances, des charges, des services de paiement, des procédures et des restrictions, etc.

Changing the language of customs in Europe with KGH

All too often, customs service conversations are about managing documentation, paying duties, and compliance. As critical as these aspects of the service are, they mustn’t make us lose sight of the potential customs has to impact business strategy.

In October 2020, Maersk Customs Services partnered with KGH to redefine what customs services do for multinationals. Today, we’re helping customers navigate geopolitics and improve trade performance with our industry-leading local expertise.

Scrabble letters denoting customs services

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