Enhance your customs process with Customs Management software

Discover increased efficiency with our cloud-based customs solution.

Unlock efficient customs management with Maersk

For businesses seeking control over their customs procedures, Maersk's Customs Management software offers a dynamic, cloud-based solution tailored to your needs.

Our application seamlessly blends user-friendly interfaces with expert customs functionalities, empowering you to manage customs processes independently.

Launching into this streamlined experience begins with our exceptional onboarding process, ensuring users take off with confidence. Navigate customs declarations with assurance in secure, compliant workflows, supported by user assistance and intelligent features guiding you through every step.

The software is currently accessible in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

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Pioneering seamless customs solutions with expertise

Our declaration management software, developed by customs experts, surpasses traditional IT solutions, providing full support for your customs department, anytime, anywhere.

Beyond software, we're your dedicated partners in customs handling. From streamlined consultancy to operational expertise, we ensure an optimised customs experience for your business.

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Declarations simplified with Maersk

In today's ever-evolving global market, navigating customs processes and swiftly adapting to changes is crucial. Maersk's declaration management software is crafted for adaptability, tailored to support businesses in our current markets. Powered by robust technology, it evolves alongside shifting customs regulations, providing an effective solution for your needs.

Navigate every possibility

Our software is designed to guide users through diverse scenarios they might face. It encompasses not just standard customs operations like imports and exports but also accommodates a range of specialised procedures.

Tailored to individual national requisites, each procedure optimises its application while ensuring complete compliance.

Additional options, including simplified procedures, amendments, corrections, and more, may be accessible, contingent upon the declaration process and country specifics.

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Available customs procedures

Import, Export, Transit (New Computerised Transit System)

Streamline international trade with transparent customs processes, ensuring the efficient movement of goods across borders.

Bonded Warehouse (Sweden)

Optimise inventory management by storing imported goods without immediate duty payment until released for circulation.

Temporary Storage (Sweden)

Enhance supply chain flexibility by temporarily storing goods in a customs warehouse before release for free circulation or transition to another procedure.

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Cargo Manifest (Norway)

Simplify logistics documentation with a comprehensive list of cargo details, providing transparency in shipping processes.

Inward/Outward Processing (I/OPR)

Boost operational efficiency by temporarily importing goods for processing or repair, re-exporting them without paying customs duties.

Returned goods relief pictogram
Returned Goods Relief (RGR)

Enjoy cost-effective solutions by re-importing previously exported goods duty-free within a specified timeframe, provided they remain unaltered.

End-to-end customs assistance

Our software is loaded with features designed to facilitate efficient and secure handling of customs affairs, regardless of users' prior experience.

Users benefit from support functions, including customs calculators and validation routines aligned with official requirements set by national customs authorities.

Consider our classification wizard, for instance: effortlessly search commodity codes, register necessary supporting documents, monitor goods restrictions, and calculate customs duties. Moreover, this wizard aids in locating and applying free trade agreements (FTAs).

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Seamless integrations for effortless data management

Enhance your data handling capabilities with our central integration engine, providing a unified interface for secure and seamless data exchange with your existing Enterprise Resource Planning, Warehouse Management System, or booking systems.

The application is hosted on decentralised servers running Maersk's security stack including OS-level security auditing, anti-malware software and intrusion detection/prevention. Data is encrypted in transit using state-of-the-art protocols.

Our integrations support paperless routines, propelling you towards fully automated, non-touch declaration flows. Enrich and validate your data to build comprehensive datasets, thereby lightening the workload for your users.

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A truly cloud-based experience

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Experience Software as a Service (SaaS)

Accessible 24/7 globally, start quickly with personalised accounts.

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Swift onboarding

The application can be tailored to your needs, ensuring user comfort. We manage technicalities; you focus on utilising the tool.

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Cost-efficient cloud solutions

Fixed rates, zero maintenance, and easy scalability for changing needs without disrupting IT infrastructure.

Interested in our customs solutions?

Maersk’s customs services experts would be happy to answer your questions and suggest appropriate solutions for your business.

Contact us